Rolling Hills Resource
Conservation & Development Council
Making Things Happen in Northwest Georgia!
Serving the Counties of Bartow, Carroll, Coweta, Douglas, Floyd, Haralson, Heard, Paulding, and Polk.

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So What is RC&D?
RC&D Councils are nonprofit organizations that specialize in natural resource issues and conservation. The RC&D program is authorized and supported by the US Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. The RC&D Program has been around since 1962. Since then, 375 RC&D Councils have been established throughout the U.S. Other funding comes from state, local and private sources.
The purpose of the RC&D program is to encourage and improve the capability of volunteer, locally elected, and civic leaders in designated RC&D areas to plan and carry out projects for resource conservation and community development.
Projects relate to the following four areas:
(1) Land Conservation
(2) Land Management
(3) Community Development
(4) Water Management
The RC&D program helps people care for natural resources and improve the quality of life in their communities. The RC&D Council (volunteers representing public and private sector sponsors and other local organizations) undertake community driven actions that are strategically focused on regional resource conservation and economic viability. RC&D priorities are set by area residents to meet their needs.
For more information on RC& D Programs:
National Association of RC&D Councils
Georga NRCS RC&D